WBFC – Official World Branding Federation Conference


The Service and Personal Branding course is designed for professionals who want to excel in creating and managing brands within the service industry and for personal branding. This course covers essential topics such as service branding, personal branding, startup branding, and luxury branding. Participants will learn how to craft a strong brand identity that communicates the unique value proposition of their services or personal brand. The course emphasizes the importance of building trust, credibility, and a positive reputation, which are critical components for success in the service sector and for individuals looking to stand out in their fields.

Throughout the course, students will engage in practical exercises and case studies that highlight successful service and personal branding strategies. They will explore techniques for effective brand positioning, storytelling, and leveraging digital platforms to enhance their brand presence. Additionally, the course will address the specific challenges of branding in the service industry, such as maintaining consistent service quality and managing customer relationships. By the end of the course, participants will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to develop and implement impactful branding strategies that drive customer loyalty, enhance professional visibility, and achieve long-term success in their respective industries.

Basic Startup Branding

Startup Branding is tailored for new businesses looking to establish their brand identity in the market. This course covers the essentials of brand development, including naming, logo design, brand messaging, and initial marketing strategies to help startups create a strong, memorable brand from the ground up.

  • Familiarity with Basic Branding Concepts

Basic Startup Branding – 24-Hour Course Syllabus

Introduction to Branding and Startup Essentials 

1.1 Introduction to Branding (2 hours)

  • Definition of branding
  • Importance of branding for startups
  • Overview of key branding concepts

1.2 Understanding Your Brand (2 hours)

  • Identifying and defining your brand
  • Developing a brand vision and mission
  • Brand values and personality

1.3 Target Audience and Market Research (2 hours)

  • Identifying target audiences
  • Conducting market research
  • Understanding customer needs and preferences

1.4 Case Studies: Successful Startup Brands (2 hours)

  • Analysis of successful startup branding examples
  • Key takeaways and lessons learned

DBuilding Your Brand 

2.1 Creating a Brand Identity (2 hours)

  • Elements of brand identity (name, logo, tagline, etc.)
  • Designing visual and verbal brand elements
  • Consistency in brand identity

2.2 Crafting a Brand Story (2 hours)

  • Importance of storytelling in branding
  • Developing a compelling brand story
  • Integrating your brand story across channels

2.3 Building an Online Presence (2 hours)

  • Basics of digital branding
  • Creating a website and social media profiles
  • Importance of online consistency and engagement

2.4 Workshop: Brand Identity Creation (2 hours)

  • Hands-on activity to develop a brand identity for a hypothetical startup
  • Group presentations and feedback session

Brand Strategy and Implementation

3.1 Developing a Brand Strategy (2 hours)

  • Steps to create a brand strategy
  • Aligning branding with business goals
  • Long-term brand planning

3.2 Communicating Your Brand (2 hours)

  • Effective brand communication strategies
  • Choosing the right channels for communication
  • Maintaining brand voice and tone

3.3 Brand Launch and Marketing (2 hours)

  • Planning a brand launch
  • Creating a marketing plan for a startup
  • Leveraging PR and media for brand exposure

3.4 Final Project: Startup Branding Plan (2 hours)

  • Group activity to create a comprehensive branding plan for a startup
  • Presentation, critique, and feedback session

Advanced Service Branding

Service Branding focuses on creating and managing the brand identity of service-based businesses. This course covers the unique challenges and strategies involved in branding intangible services, emphasizing the importance of customer experience, service quality, and employee engagement to build a strong, recognizable brand.

  • Familiarity with Basic Branding Concepts
  • Completion of the Beginner Branding Course
  • Passing Score in the General Branding Exam and Interview

Understanding Advanced Service Branding 

1.1 Advanced Concepts in Service Branding (2 hours)

  • In-depth analysis of service branding and its unique challenges
  • Differentiating between product and service branding strategies

1.2 Developing a Service Brand Strategy (2 hours)

  • Crafting a comprehensive service brand strategy
  • Aligning service brand strategy with organizational goals

1.3 Brand Positioning and Value Proposition (2 hours)

  • Techniques for effective brand positioning in the service sector
  • Defining and communicating a compelling value proposition

1.4 Case Studies and Industry Examples (2 hours)

  • Examination of successful service branding case studies
  • Discussion and analysis of industry-specific examples

Building and Managing Service Brands 

2.1 Service Design and Brand Experience (3 hours)

  • Integrating service design principles with branding
  • Enhancing customer experience through strategic service design

2.2 Employee Branding and Internal Brand Alignment (2 hours)

  • Importance of employee engagement in service branding
  • Strategies for internal brand alignment and communication

2.3 Brand Communication and Marketing (3 hours)

  • Advanced techniques for brand communication in services
  • Utilizing digital and traditional marketing channels effectively

Sustaining and Measuring Service Brands

3.1 Managing Brand Equity and Customer Loyalty (3 hours)

  • Techniques for building and maintaining brand equity
  • Strategies for fostering customer loyalty and retention

3.2 Crisis Management and Brand Recovery (2 hours)

  • Handling brand crises and mitigating negative impacts
  • Steps for brand recovery and rebuilding trust

3.3 Measuring Brand Performance (3 hours)

  • Key performance indicators (KPIs) for service brands
  • Tools and methodologies for measuring brand performance

Advanced Luxury Branding

Luxury Branding focuses on the unique aspects of marketing high-end products and services. This course covers strategies for creating an exclusive brand image, maintaining premium quality, and leveraging brand heritage to attract affluent customers and build long-term loyalty.

  • Familiarity with Basic Branding Concepts
  • Completion of the Beginner Branding Course
  • Passing Score in the General Branding Exam and Interview

Deep Dive into Luxury Branding Concepts

1.1 Understanding Luxury Markets (2 hours)

  • Overview of the luxury market landscape
  • Key characteristics of luxury brands
  • Trends and shifts in the luxury market

1.2 Luxury Consumer Behavior (2 hours)

  • Profiling luxury consumers
  • Understanding motivations and buying behaviors
  • Customer journey in the luxury sector

1.3 Building a Luxury Brand Identity (2 hours)

  • Crafting a distinct luxury brand identity
  • Elements of luxury branding: name, logo, design, and packaging
  • Maintaining exclusivity and prestige

1.4 Case Studies: Iconic Luxury Brands (2 hours)

  • Analysis of successful luxury brands (e.g., Louis Vuitton, Rolex, Chanel)
  • Key strategies and lessons learned
  • Group discussion on case study insights

Strategies and Tactics in Luxury Branding

2.1 Luxury Brand Positioning (2 hours)

  • Differentiating luxury brands from premium and mass-market brands
  • Strategies for positioning a luxury brand in a competitive market
  • Case examples of effective positioning

2.2 Brand Experience and Customer Engagement (2 hours)

  • Creating exceptional brand experiences
  • Personalization and customer service in luxury branding
  • Building long-term relationships with luxury customers

2.3 Digital Strategies for Luxury Brands (2 hours)

  • Leveraging digital platforms for luxury branding
  • Balancing exclusivity with online presence
  • Effective use of social media, e-commerce, and digital marketing

2.4 Workshop: Brand Positioning and Strategy (2 hours)

  • Group activity to develop a positioning strategy for a luxury brand
  • Presentation and feedback session

Implementation and Future Trends

3.1 Communication and Storytelling in Luxury Branding (2 hours)

  • Crafting compelling brand stories
  • High-impact communication strategies
  • Utilizing PR, advertising, and influencers

3.2 Sustainability and Ethical Considerations (2 hours)

  • Incorporating sustainability in luxury branding
  • Ethical practices and their importance in the luxury sector
  • Case studies on sustainable luxury brands

3.3 Measuring Brand Performance (2 hours)

  • Key metrics for assessing luxury brand performance
  • Tools and techniques for brand health tracking
  • Analyzing brand equity and customer satisfaction

3.4 Final Project: Comprehensive Luxury Branding Plan (2 hours)

  • Group activity to create a luxury branding plan
  • Presentation, critique, and feedback session
  • Course review and Q&A

Master Class Personal Branding

Personal Branding teaches individuals how to develop and manage their own brand to advance their careers and personal goals. This course covers self-assessment, defining a unique value proposition, creating an online presence, and effective networking techniques to build a strong personal brand.

  • Proficiency in Corporate Branding
  • Submitting a proposal before attending the course

Foundations of Personal Branding

1.1 Introduction to Personal Branding (4 hours)

  • Definition and importance of personal branding
  • Evolution and trends in personal branding
  • Personal brand vs. corporate brand

1.2 Self-Discovery and Brand Identity (4 hours)

  • Assessing strengths, values, and passions
  • Defining personal brand attributes and essence
  • Crafting a unique value proposition

1.3 Building Your Online Presence (4 hours)

  • Creating a professional online presence
  • Effective use of social media platforms
  • Managing digital reputation and personal brand image

1.4 Personal Branding Case Studies (4 hours)

  • Analysis of successful personal branding examples
  • Learning from prominent personal brands
  • Group discussion and presentations

Strategies and Implementation

2.1 Personal Brand Strategy Development (4 hours)

  • Setting personal brand goals and objectives
  • Strategic planning for personal brand growth
  • Alignment with career aspirations

2.2 Communication and Messaging (4 hours)

  • Developing a compelling personal brand story
  • Effective storytelling techniques
  • Crafting consistent messaging across platforms

2.3 Networking and Relationship Building (4 hours)

  • Building and nurturing professional networks
  • Strategies for effective networking
  • Leveraging relationships for personal brand advancement

2.4 Personal Branding in Action (4 hours)

  • Practical exercises and simulations
  • Role-playing scenarios and real-world applications
  • Peer feedback and refinement of personal brand strategies

Advanced Topics and Applications

3.1 Thought Leadership and Content Creation (4 hours)

  • Establishing authority in your field
  • Content creation strategies: blogging, podcasting, etc.
  • Positioning yourself as a thought leader

3.2 Brand Extensions and Diversification (4 hours)

  • Expanding your personal brand into new areas
  • Managing multiple aspects of your personal brand
  • Strategic partnerships and collaborations

3.3 Crisis Management and Reputation Repair (4 hours)

  • Handling personal brand crises effectively
  • Strategies for reputation repair and recovery
  • Case studies on managing personal brand challenges

3.4 Final Project: Personal Branding Portfolio (4 hours)

  • Development of a comprehensive personal branding portfolio
  • Presentation of personal brand strategy and achievements
  • Course review, feedback, and certification

The Service and Personal Branding course Registration

For better interaction and to request participation in the course, please fill out the form below carefully. Our training department will contact you via email within 72 hours, suggesting the nearest course in terms of timing and geographical location.

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Which level of the course are you interested in attending?
Based on your level of mastery of the topics outlined in the course syllabus, please answer this question.
Which geographical region are you interested in attending this course in?