WBFC – Official World Branding Federation Conference


The importance of the branding courses that WBFC has decided to conduct is immense and can significantly assist businesses in achieving their objectives. These courses, which are offered in six different content categories including Commercial and Industrial Branding, Environmental and Sustainable Branding, Consumer and Retail Branding, Cultural and Artistic Branding, Experiential and Interactive Branding, and Service and Personal Branding, are presented in three different levels: Beginner, Advanced, and Masterclass. Branding, as one of the fundamental pillars of success in competitive markets, plays a crucial role in creating differentiation and attracting customers. Learning branding principles and techniques enables businesses to achieve a strong and unique identity, gain a competitive advantage, and remain memorable in the minds of customers.

These courses not only cover branding theories but also provide practical examples and case studies, acquainting students with real-world challenges and solutions in the business world. Additionally, the workshops and practical activities in these courses help participants enhance their practical skills, enabling them to apply these skills within their organizations. Consequently, businesses can leverage the knowledge and skills acquired from these courses to strengthen their brand and embark on the path to sustainable success and growth.

Commercial and Industrial Branding Courses

  • Product Branding
  • Corporate Branding
  • Industrial Branding
  • Healthcare Branding

Environmental and Sustainable Branding Courses

  • Sustainable Branding
  • Tourism Branding

Consumer and Retail Branding Courses

  • Consumer Branding
  • Retail Branding
  • Food and Beverage Branding
  • Fashion and Apparel Branding

Cultural and Artistic Branding Courses

  • Sports Branding
  • Artist and Artwork Branding
  • City Branding
  • Beauty Branding

Experiential and Interactive Branding Courses

  • Interactive Branding
  • Experiential Branding
  • Digital Branding
  • Creative Branding

Service and Personal Branding Courses

  • Service Branding
  • Personal Branding
  • Startup Branding
  • Luxury Branding
Number of available Courses

The Basic courses in WBFC’s branding program require no prior coursework. Simply having an interest in branding and a general knowledge of the subject is sufficient. These courses are designed to provide foundational knowledge and introduce participants to key concepts and practices in branding, making them accessible to anyone looking to start their journey in the field.

For the Advanced courses in WBFC’s branding program, participants should be familiar with the basic principles of branding. It is necessary to have completed the Basic branding course or to have achieved a passing score in the general branding test and interview. These courses delve deeper into branding strategies and techniques, building on foundational knowledge to equip participants with more sophisticated skills and insights.

The Master Class courses in WBFC’s branding program require participants to be well-versed in branding concepts and actively working in an organization with over 100 employees. Participants must pass a pre-course interview and provide a current practical branding project and proposal before enrolling. These courses are designed for advanced professionals who aim to master branding at a strategic level and apply high-level techniques within their organizations.

Our Selected Instructors

WBFC exercises great care in selecting the instructors for its branding courses. Each instructor has either previously been a speaker at WBFC events between 2020 and 2024, submitted articles containing valuable insights to WBFC, or been a winner at one of the past five WBFC conferences. These instructors possess high academic and educational credentials and extensive experience in the field of branding.

The final certificate issued by WBFC is based on the course instructors’ reports. If students do not meet the course standards, they will not be eligible to receive the final certificate and must either retake the course or revise their final project. This stringent process ensures that only those who have thoroughly learned the concepts and skills required are awarded the final certification.