WBFC – Official World Branding Federation Conference

Here is what he says about his theory: The Blue Dinosaur Theory.

Over the past year, a significant portion of my efforts has been dedicated to developing a new theory titled “The Blue Dinosaur Theory” in the field of branding and personal branding. This theory examines the role of behavioral etiquette in the success of a brand within an organization. Its primary focus is on human capital as the building blocks of a brand; from foundational roles within the organization to the boardroom, everyone can have a significant impact on the success of a brand’s persona.

In developing and third-world countries, the workforce is predominantly seen as a forward-moving entity lacking identity. Individuals, during their tenure within an organization, hold only a job title and role, returning to their personal lives outside of it. This disconnect has detrimental effects on organizations. Traditional and misguided views of human resources have led employees, workers, and even managers to have an inadequate understanding of their brand. Conversely, in developed countries, people often introduce their workplace as part of their identity after their name. In these countries, a substantial part of an individual’s identity is tied to their organizational identity, and the absence of conflict between these two enables those employed within the organization to be more than just a human resource; they are human capital.

No business in the world will succeed unless all its parts move in a precise and coordinated process. When employees in an organization share common goals, have a clear and defined vision of the organization, and are fully aware of the organization’s mission, they cease to be merely a workforce that leaves the organization after a while.

The level of job satisfaction individuals experience is directly related to the amount of value they feel within the organization. These values include material values (such as adequate salary, insurance, etc.) and moral values (such as respect and importance in the job role, access to organizational facilities, incentive plans, etc.). Training at all job levels and a healthy work environment are also among these factors. The more a system can balance these factors, the higher the success it will achieve. Employees in a work system are like soldiers in an army. They join the army with promises beyond the spoils of war. In most cases, moral values, faith, and the pursuit of higher positions attract individuals to a military system. This principle also applies to work and commercial systems.

A business and work system with a successful strategy but without a polite receptionist or a diligent security guard will not succeed. If you are met with disrespect upon entering the parking lot of a successful company, wouldn’t you generalize this to all aspects of the system?

Employees, workers, consultants, and managers—all those employed within a system—have a personal identity. Individuals with precise personal branding are more aware of the importance of intra-organizational coordination and cooperation. With the expansion of virtual networks, each person has become a powerful amplifier for expressing their personal branding. Today, individuals are recognized not just by their appearance but also by their identity and interests displayed on social networks. Organizations that employ individuals with independent and precise identities are more successful. These individuals effectively utilize their personal branding in their work for the organization and avoid becoming involved in internal corruption issues.

Personal branding is essential for all employees. Contrary to common belief, individuals with an independent and well-planned identity see their personal goals intertwined with the organization’s success and become brand ambassadors. Anyone in any system can be a brand ambassador; in a brief conversation in a ride-share, at a private and family gathering, or at an official event.

The choice of the name “Blue Dinosaur” has multiple reasons. The dinosaur symbolizes power, history, and survival, while the color blue refers to communication, innovation, and creativity. This combination signifies the importance of adaptability and change, which is crucial in today’s business world, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises. The Blue Dinosaur represents a powerful past and an innovative, creative future.

The Blue Dinosaur Theory is built on principles such as authenticity, flexibility, creativity, and continuous learning. This theory helps individuals define and improve their personal and professional identities while maintaining appropriate ethical and behavioral principles in their interactions. Utilizing this theory, organizations can foster a more positive organizational culture that encourages respect, cooperation, and continuous learning. The Blue Dinosaur Theory assists organizations not only in achieving success within their work environment but also in serving as a model for others.

The Blue Dinosaur Theory offers an innovative and creative framework for personal branding and behavioral etiquette in organizations. Using the symbol of the Blue Dinosaur, it presents a unique combination of the powerful and attractive characteristics of dinosaurs and the color blue, which symbolizes calmness and effective communication. The Blue Dinosaur, as a creature that has returned from the past and continues to thrive by adapting to new conditions, inspires individuals seeking personal and professional development.

Initially, this theory was part of an article in the field of personal branding supported by Lancaster University in England. With the unwavering support of the university and its professors, it evolved into an independent theory in both personal branding and the study of behavioral etiquette in organizational success. In 2024, it was selected as the theory of the year by the judges of the Fifth World Branding Forum Conference (WBFC), and I, Ehsan Yazdani, was honored as the Branding Figure of 2024 by the esteemed judges of the WBFC.

Dave Ulrich, undoubtedly one of the most significant figures in contemporary branding and human resource management, expressed his appreciation for this theory with the following statement, which is a great honor for me: “The Blue Dinosaur Theory is not just a theory; it is a testament to the evolving nature of branding.”

Undoubtedly, one of my responsibilities at this time is to educate and convey this message and theory to all organizations and institutions striving to enhance their brand identity, have more loyal employees, and where every individual within the organization, regardless of their role, becomes an independent branded identity.

With thanks and best regards,
Ehsan Yazdanee
May 21, 2024 – Tehran, Iran

The winner of the fifth WBFC